Suzanne Somers, who portrayed the ‘dumb blonde’ Chrissy Snow in hit 70’s television sitcom ‘Three’s Company’, celebrated her 73rd birthday on October 16th by posting a near nude pic of herself on Instagram. The caption of the photo, where Suzanne appears nude and covering her breasts with her arms folded, reads, “Here I am at 73 in my Birthday Suit!!!”
The Three’s Company star posted a photo to her Instagram of her sitting naked in a field. She captioned it with, “Here I am at 73 in my Birthday Suit!!!”.
Suzanne Somers doesn’t shy away when it comes to her sexuality. In 2017 Mrs. Somers talked about explained what helps keep her marriage (to husband Alan Hamel) going strong in a PEOPLE magazine interview, “We have sex every day, sometimes more, I love it. Every couple is different. This is just what works for us. Alan has the blood pressure of an athlete, and he claims that sex is his daily cardio workout and says that’s a hell of a lot more fun than a treadmill.”
Suzanne said, “I love the way Alan looks at me, I love looking at him. He turns me on, I turn him on. It was like this at the beginning and it remains to this day. I thank God everyday for this incredible love in my life.”